At Featherblade we are passionate about great grass fed Irish steak.
Since we opened our doors in 2014 we have continued to work tirelessly to make sure that we bring the best beef from around the country to our customers.
Getting beef right is not easy.
It’s about so many different variables; how the animal was bred, how it was reared and fed, it’s sex, how it was slaughtered, aged & handled in the restaurant.
.. but in other ways it’s simple.
To find great steak you have to work with farmers who care about the process from start to finish, farmers who are proud of what they do & have rearing exceptional cattle in their DNA.
At Featherblade, we only use grass fed Irish beef which comes from farmers we know and trust. We feel great pride in supporting a rapidly dying breed - farmers who worry about quality & not quotas.
Our chefs love all sorts of cuts.
Sometimes the time is right for the tender, lighter subtler steak – like our signature cut Featherblade - and sometimes it’s the richer, buttery more intensely flavoured option we crave. Whatever your preference, we apply the same meticulous standards to sourcing, preparing & serving every individual steak in our restaurant.
We care about our impact.
As much as we love great steak, we are also conscious of the impact that we are having on the environment. We firmly advocate eating less beef but top quality beef, at all costs avoiding industrially produced meats and doing what we can to support regenerative farming.